Fantasy Flight Games: Star Wars Edge of The Empire RPG Core Rulebook (2013, Fantasy Flight Games) No rating

I've always wanted to try out the #StarWars #ttrpg by Fantasy Flight Games (now EDGE), but two things annoy me:

  • No (legal) PDF versions of the rules. This was not FFG's fault, as it was part of the license restrictions imposed on the line, but it still means that, barring reprints, individual books can go out of print forever, which is not great for the longevity of the line.

  • Expensive custom dice - and I dislike having to buy stuff for TTRPGs beyond the rule books themselves. Yes, in theory you could use "ordinary" dice and read the results off tables, but that's an extra step I'd like to avoid.

@juergen_hubert I think right now you can't even get Genesys dice (which is the next evolutionary step of the system, continuing from the Warhammer 3e one), which goes to show why I dislike proprietary dice. If they don't get sold anymore, you need to faff around with blanks and making or own.
And I won't even entertain the notion of dice rolling apps.