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Sascha Welter

Joined 7 months, 2 weeks ago

I used to be a very active reader, but at some point I mostly went into re-reading the same books again. Now I'm trying to get to enjoy reading the classics to discover the things I've missed there.

Also I'm trying to read books in their original language if possible, even if it means it's turning reading into a bit of tough job.

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Sascha Welter's books

To Read (View all 6)

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... и долго потом, чрез несколько лет, этот взгляд, польный любви, которым она тогда взглянула на него и на который он не ответил ей, мучительным стыдом резал ее сердце.

Анна Каренина by  (Page 128)

E. T. A. Hoffmann: Lebensansichten des Katers Murr (EBook, Deutsch language, 1911, Hamburg 1912 Alfred Janssen / No rating

Der Roman besteht aus zwei zunächst völlig getrennt scheinenden Biographien: der des Katers Murr und …

Content warning Kleiner Spoiler zum generellen Aufbau

Annette von Droste-Hülshoff: Die Judenbuche (AudiobookFormat, German language, 2015, Der Audio Verlag) 3 stars

Die düstere Kriminal-Novelle »Die Judenbuche« gilt als das Meisterwerk der westfälischen Schriftstellerin Annette von Droste-Hülshoff …

Naja. Das Buch hat eine gewisse Intensität, vor allem gegen das Ende. Aber das Lesen selber hat mir nicht wirklich gefallen... und das Ende selbst war dann doch etwas abrupt. Nein, so richtig für mich war's nicht.

Robert J. Casey: The cannoneers have hairy ears (1927, J. H. Sears & company, inc.) 4 stars

This work is the unedited journal of a combat unit of the United States Field …

This had a kind of mesmerizing fascination for me. Nothing complicated or confusing, just a straightforward journal from the author leaving some kind of training place in France until roughly three months later the end of the first world war.

At first kind of naive, simple, then more and more arriving at the brutality of the times. You can feel how the author himself gets numbed to the unspeakable dehumanization of what is happening.

Traces of black humour, but from time to time I wondered if it was really black humour ... or simply the irrationality of what was happening.

In my oppinion there are no "anti-war books", every such book will inspire some young man to get enthousiastic about war. But this one at least depicts things calmly and stubbornly.