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Joined 3 months, 3 weeks ago

he/him "In fact, the mere act of opening the box will determine the state of the cat, although in this case there were three determinate states the cat could be in: these being Alive, Dead, and Bloody Furious." ~Terry Pratchett

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MomoTheRed's books

Currently Reading

2024 Reading Goal

70% complete! MomoTheRed has read 14 of 20 books.

Hans von Hoffensthal: Abschied von Oberbozen (Paperback, German language, Verl.-Anst. Athesia) No rating

The cog railway up to Oberbozen from Bozen was build in 1907. The author saw …

This text was far too relatable (to me personally) considering that it was written 100 years before I spent my childhood in the same place. It reminded me so much of the great times I had there, that I actually started crying while reading it. To someone who doesn't have the personal connections to this place and stories that I have it might be a bit kitschy and snootily tho.

George Orwell: Mein Katalonien (Paperback, German language, 1975, Diogenes Verlag) 4 stars

[Homage to Catalonia][1] is [George Orwell][2]'s account of his experiences fighting in the 'Spanish Civil …

I'm glad I finally got around to reading this book! It showed me a unique and very human perspective on things I only knew from historical facts and political discussions. I will probably talk about this book a lot and discuss certain things Orwell talks about. And I'm excited to do that.

George Orwell: Mein Katalonien (Paperback, German language, 1975, Diogenes Verlag) 4 stars

[Homage to Catalonia][1] is [George Orwell][2]'s account of his experiences fighting in the 'Spanish Civil …

Ich mache mir nichts Besonderes aus dem idealisierten 'Arbeiter', wie er sich in den Gedanken des bürgerlichen Kommunismus spiegelt. Wenn ich aber einen lebendigen Arbeiter aus Fleisch und Blut im Kampf mit seinem natürlichen Feind, dem Polizisten sehe, brauche ich mich nicht zu fragen, auf wessen Seite ich stehe.

Mein Katalonien by  (Page 155)