Reviews and Comments


Joined 1 year, 1 month ago

So many books, so little time (and space)...

The original plan was to work through the piles of unread books in my flat, not to mention the e-books I have and the audiobooks I bookmarked on Spotify/lismio. But somehow, those keep growing. Also, I re-discovered the library. ;)

I mostly read Sci-fi, Fantasy and historical fiction. Also non-fiction (mostly history of one kind or another). I read in English and German and occasionally French.

Posts in English and German

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reviewed The Jasmine Throne by Tasha Suri (The Burning Kingdoms, #1)

Tasha Suri: The Jasmine Throne (Paperback, 2021, Orbit) 4 stars

Imprisoned by her dictator brother, Malini spends her days in isolation in the Hirana: an …


4 stars

This was the April book in the book club I have with two friends and we all liked it so much that we want to read the sequel.

I really liked the setting - I haven't come across many fantasy novels based on old India. We also get wood magic, supernatural (or alien?) beings, a mysterious illness and a magical temple. The worldbuilding is great and very dense. I found it hard to put the book down once I had gotten into it because it felt like being in a different world. The story, too, is more complex than I expected and there are some interesting and unexpected twists. The romance doesn't follow the usual patterns, either, I felt. If you're into fantasy you should check this one out. #2024reads

started reading Parable of the Talents by Octavia E. Butler (Earthseed, #2)

Octavia E. Butler: Parable of the Talents (Paperback, 2019, Grand Central Publishing) 5 stars

Environmental devastation and economic chaos have turned America into a land of depravity. Taking advantage …

Originally, I had planned a break before starting this one but I need to know how the story continues. It starts quite differently than I thought it would. That might actually address some of the things that bugged me about Parable of the Sower.

Shannon Chakraborty: The Adventures of Amina Al-Sirafi (2023, HarperCollins Publishers) 4 stars

Amina al-Sirafi should be content. After a storied and scandalous career as one of the …

Very entertaining

4 stars

This was a great, captivating read. Truly an adventure book. I don't think there are many fantasy novels set in this region and it was an additional treat to read about places we mostly know from wars and crises, like Aden and Mogadishu, when they were in their prime. The characters are great and have interesting backstories. The main villain was perhaps a bit too one-sidedly evil. The others had more nuance. And I could have done with one or two fewer action scenes. But those are small criticisms. It was very enjoyable to read this book and I recommend it. I hope we'll see Amina and her crew again.

Marieluise Fleißer: Avantgarde (AudiobookFormat, German language) 3 stars

Mit ihrer Erzählung "Avantgarde" blickt Marieluise Fleißer 1963 literarisch auf ihre eigenen Anfänge als Schriftstellerin …

Nicht so meins

3 stars

Dieses Jahr steht bei mir irgendwie im Zeichen der Literatur der (späten) Weimarer Republik. Wie Gabriele Tergit und Irmgard Keun gehörte auch Fleißer zu den Autorinnen, deren Karriere damals begann (und dann ein jähes Ende bzw. eine längere Unterbrechung fand). Ihr Stück "Pioniere in Ingolstadt" wurde in Brechts Inszenierung ein Theaterskandal. Davon handelt diese Erzählung aus den 60ern. Geschichtlich sehr interessant. Auch den Aspekt, was es eigentlich als Frau in den späten Zwanzigern bedeutet, Schriftstellerin werden zu wollen, fand ich gut. Der Stil, in dem die Geschichte geschrieben ist, sagt mit dagegen nicht zu. Sehr abstrakt und distanziert, angelehnt an das "epische Theater" von Brecht. Außerdem hat mich gestört, dass Lion Feuchtwanger als "der Jude" bezeichnet wird (Brecht ist "der Dichter").

Bettina Balaka: Der Zauberer vom Cobenzl (Hardcover, German language, 2023, Haymon Verlag) 4 stars

Es ist das Jahr 1844 und in Carl Ludwig Freiherr von Reichenbach brennt der Wissensdrang …

Schön und verträumt

4 stars

Ein schönes, etwas verträumtes Buch. Geschrieben aus der Sicht der Tochter, die dem Vater in der Wissenschaft nacheifert, sich aber doch irgendwann von ihm emanzipieren muss. Als Leser*in taucht man ein in die Welt der frühen Wissenschaft, die auch in Esoterik abdriften kann. Eignet sich gut als Urlaubs- bzw. Ferienlektüre.

Alex Prichard: Anarchism (2022, Oxford University Press) No rating

This short book provides a new point of departure for our understanding of anarchism. It …

I've read bits and pieces about anarchism over the years but felt I lacked an overview both of its history and its current state. Hopefully, this book will provide that. Having read the first cchapter, it might be a bit too short, though.

Gabriele Tergit: Effingers (EBook, German language, 2019, Schöffling) No rating

Effingers ist eine Familienchronik über vier Generationen, die die Epochenbrüche und das besondere Schicksal einer …

Das Ende war sehr emotional. Der Brief am Schluss geht mir nicht aus dem Kopf.

„Ich habe an das Gute im Menschen geglaubt. Das war der tiefste Irrtum meines verfehlten Lebens. Das haben wir nun beide mit dem Tod zu büßen.”