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Kees Volkers: Van Dorestad naar Dokkum (Paperback, Dutch language, Gegarandeerd Onregelmatig) No rating

A hiking guide to 'Camino Bonifacio', a modern pilgrim's path, a long-distance trail from Dorestad …

Great read until now. I randomly read some parts, and then started from the beginning. The start is close to home - #Utrecht - , and the end is close to my origins - #Dokkum in #Friesland. Although the religious bits of Bonifatius are of no interest to me, all the historic information about this person and the places part of the trail make a great read. Currently going over the maps, creating a #bike ride close to the trail route, of about 360-400km.

Femke de Winter-Went, Rene van der Veer, Juliette Borggreve: De Veldkeuken (Paperback, Dutch language, 2022, De Veldkeuken) No rating

Second #CookBook from restaurant De #Veldkeuken in #Amelisweerd, #Utrecht.

Full of #recipes from their restaurant, made from #local ingredients. #Bread, cakes, quiches etc from their own #bakery that includes their own grain mill.

I received this during our #Sinterklaas festivity. I had no specific wishes, so fun surprise to receive this, after having made loads of the recipes from their first book.