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Damien Simonis: Lonely Planet Tuscany (Tuscany, 1st ed) (Paperback, Lonely Planet, Lonely Planet Publications) No rating

Since I am now trying to learn #Italian, my compulsive habit of picking up any travel books I find on public bookshelves might actually pay off - since a fair amount of these are about #Italy .

Still not sure where in Italy I should go for future vacations - apart from #Venice, of course, which I want to research for a future book I plan to write. I'll probably start with the northern parts of the country, since I'll need to travel by train from northern Germany...

Garry Wills: Venice: Lion City (Paperback, 2002, Washington Square Press) No rating

Garry Wills's "Venice: Lion City" is a tour de force -- a rich, colorful, and …

Maybe this book wasn't the best way of beginning my investigation of the history of #Venice, but its focus on the art history of the city was extremely enlightening all the same. It made clear how much the cult of Saint Mark was central to the city, its society, and all layers of its government - and how the city maintained its independence from Rome all those centuries despite being nominally Catholic.

This week I've been mainly reading, no. 101

The problem with Martin Gayford's new book, Venice: City of Pictures (2023), is that its neither one thing nor another. It picks up many themes/issues from but shies away from really developing these in detail, But,, equally there is too much & not enough more general discussion of the city for a recent visitor. Gayford seems unable to make up his mind what book he wanted to write & this falls between the stools


How were produced in the 16th century? Zoltán Biedermann compares maps of the Sea produced in and to propose "a '(dis)connected history' of knowledge production and consumption" where, beyond segmented flows of information, the Caspian proved to have very different meanings in different contexts.

👉 In a Garden of Forking Maps: Mapping the Caspian in Sixteenth-Century Goa and Venice
➡️ https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/annales-histoire-sciences-sociales-english-edition/article/in-a-garden-of-forking-maps/0074DB690B7D689F83FE0BCB155F5292


[Turns out, in retrospect, that this was my 2,000th Mastodon posting - and also my most popular to date 😊.]

I thought I'd bring a bit of colour into everyone's timeline this Saturday.

This is a selection of colour pigments I saw in the window of a craft shop in Venice recently.

This sort of thing is one of the joys of wandering aimlessly around city streets.