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Game 5 on : another attempt at a hexcrawl in @lkh's Grenzland campaign. This time we were sent north to see where the orcs that attacked came from. Unlike the game yesterday we actually did that, met some friendly elves that gave us a ride, then steamrolled a patrol from the orc settlement and took their leader prisoner.
No casualties on our side.

Then the random encounters gave us a surprise night attack by cockatrices and the trip became fantasy-fucking-vietnam.

Third game today: Old School Essentials with The Jeweller's Sanctum.

A scenario that throws lots of small monsters with negative stat effects at you before hitting you with the big one.

Unfortunately I think after 12 hours of gaming we were all a bit done with it for the day. There still was stuff to find and loot, but we lost two PCs and it felt very long.

OSE works fine as a game system. No wonder people go gaga over it.

Next game: The Lichway (from early White Dwarf) in ADnD/Osric. My cleric got herself two new members of her congegration (two goblins) and baptized them in the name of Ra.

This actually was the first time I played proper ADnD 1st, and it made me realize again why I always see B/X or even White Box as nicer to play, even though I started ADnD with 2nd ed: ADnD has this kind of complexity that I really don't care about in my own games.

First game at Cauldron done. @lkh had us explore the regions south of Castle Blaufahr. We went to the dungeon instead, rescued a bunch of goblins out of the hands of bandits, were lead to the goblin market, and got into a fracas with the goblins there.

Our fighters heroically took down the goblin king, cut off his head Conan style and showed it off to the hundreds of goblins.

Then they were slaughtered.

Magic users and cleric left as soon as things started to go sideways.

Wizards RPG Team: Journeys Through the Radiant Citadel (Hardcover, 2022, Wizards of the Coast) 4 stars

An anthology of thirteen stand-alone adventures set in wondrous lands for the world's greatest roleplaying …

A good idea, but with not enough focus

4 stars

I really do appreciate that the authors were trying to explore settings with a different perspective than the pseudo-European/North American cultural base used for most #DnD settings.

But since this 224 page book is split up between 13 adventures and 15 cultures, the glimpses we get of each culture is so frustratingly brief. As someone who wants their settings to come with lots of details, this would make it difficult for me to bring the cultures in question truly come alive. In lieu of further detail, it might have helped if they had spelled out which culture each setting is based on - in some cases it was fairly easy for me to guess, but in others I was unsure.

I also have to admit, I prefer running campaigns where the PCs largely stay in one particular region rather than traveling around - and when they do travel around, there …