She Who Became the Sun


English language

Published July 19, 2024 by Macmillan Audio.

4 stars (9 reviews)

An absorbing historical fantasy, She Who Became the Sun by Shelley Parker-Chan reimagines the rise to power of the Ming Dynasty's founding emperor.

She Who Became the Sun by Shelley Parker-Chan is a historical fantasy reimagining of the rise to power of Zhu Yuanzhang. Zhu was the peasant rebel who expelled the Mongols, unified China under native rule, and became the founding Emperor of the Ming Dynasty.

In a famine-stricken village on a dusty plain, a seer shows two children their fates. For a family's eighth-born son, there's greatness. For the second daughter, nothing.

In 1345, China lies restless under harsh Mongol rule. And when a bandit raid wipes out their home, the two children must somehow survive. Zhu Chongba despairs and gives in. But the girl resolves to overcome her destiny. So she takes her dead brother's identity and begins her journey. Can Zhu escape what's written in the …

3 editions

A sweeping tale

4 stars

I find it difficult to rate this one because - while it doesn't end on a cliffhanger - it clearly is the first part of a longer story. I loved the scale - both geographic and chronological - of the story. It starts with Zhu in her village, starving, leads to her coming of age in the monastery and continues on with her military and political rise. The characterisations are well done and we get insights into their thinking and motivations. Zhu's development regarding ethical behaviour was a little predictable but not unrealistic. Lately, I've also found myself thinking about having a fate or choosing a fate while reading a different book. I'm looking forward to the sequel.

reviewed She Who Became the Sun by Shelley Parker-Chan (The Radiant Emperor, #1)

She Who Became the Sun

5 stars

She Who Became the Sun is a historical fantasy duology, retelling the rise of the first emperor of the Ming dynasty. This is a reread for me before I get to the sequel for a belated #SFFBookClub sequel month.

My favorite part of this first book is the ways that the major characters all uniquely grapple with their own gendered otherness:

Ouyang is an enslaved warrior eunuch working for the Mongol prince of Henan's son, Esen. Ouyang is the most masculine of characters, but copes with his otherness through anger and shame. He so strongly denies the femininity that other people project onto him that he extrudes that rejection into misogyny. His relationship with men is similarly uneasy and hits a classic trans refrain: "he had no idea if it was a yearning for or a yearning to be, and the equal impossibility of each of those hurt …

Alternate China in the 14th century

5 stars

In this story of an alternate history China, we follow the rise of Zhu. As a girl, her elder brother is promised greatness, and she is promised nothing. But soon after her father and brother are killed, and Zhu is alone in the world, in Mongol-conquered China. Zhu decides to follow the path of greatness that was promised her brother, by pretending to be him. She flees famine to a monastery where she becomes a monk. Greatness is in her path, even though she constantly clashes with Ouyang, a eunuch general of the Mongol army.

It's a delight to read, and so very queer. It plays with gender roles so interestingly. Zhu has to pretend to be male, but encourages another female character to 'desire', something that women just don't do. And there's Ouyang, castrated, beautiful as a woman, craving nothing but masculinity and his Prince.

Can't wait to read …

Epic in every sense

5 stars

I love this book for being an alternate history that's not fixated on Hitler. I love it for how carefully it weaves its fantasy into the real history it's anchored in - enough so that as soon as I finished reading it I had to read up on the actual Red Turban rebellion and see how many of the characters were close adaptations. I love it for how much desperate, furious, and yes sometimes joyous life its main characters have. I love it for how viscerally it evokes some incredibly hard times (though be warned, it's a heavy read because of that). I love it for how utterly unsympathetic all the "big people" are.

Around the middle of the book the weight of Fate on both the plot and multiple characters' obsessions started to feel stifling, but the more the narrator complicated that idea the more this stopped being a …

Review of 'She Who Became the Sun' on 'Storygraph'

4 stars

A sweeping, slightly fantastical retelling of the rise of the Ming dynasty. I enjoyed the segments from Zhu's perspective and her incredible drive to get what she wants, at any cost. I found the  Ouyang and Esen segments less interesting, since they kept making bad decisions that didn't make sense to me. I wish we'd seen Wang Baoxiang's perspective, since I liked him. 

Overall, I enjoyed it more than I expected, considering the violence and relatively grim perspective. 

Review of 'She Who Became the Sun' on 'Storygraph'

5 stars

When her brother is fated for a life of greatness and passes away before realising that fate, she decides to take on his identity, and ultimately, his fate. Zhu Chongba's journey from near starvation to greatness is beautifully written, with unforgettable characters and wonderful descriptions of the scenery.

I really couldn't put this down. I was so enchanted by Zhu's voice, and their journey. The characters really made this story for me. Written in Zhu's voice, we are given an insight into her desires for greatness, and how she comes to terms with acknowledging these desires, and how far she is willing to go to achieve her fate.

Throughout her life, Zhu takes on a great number of different roles, and the transition between these and the way each role is approached is fascinating to see. This is the first part of the Radiant Emperor duology, and I am so …

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5 stars