Die Angestellten


German language

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4 stars (7 reviews)

4 editions

Wow! Wirklich aussergewöhnlich gut!

5 stars

Das Buch fängt langsam an und hat mich anfangs nicht wirklich begeistert. Erzählt wird die Geschichte eines Sechstausender-Schiffs, eines Raumschiffs unterwegs auf einer Pioniermission zu einem Planeten in einem anderen Sonnensystem.

Um diese Reise und auch folgende überhaupt hinzubekommen, besteht die Besatzung aus Menschen und Humanoiden, Bots, die teils organisch, teils mechanisch sind. Um sie alle zu managen und daraus zu lernen, gibt es eine Arbeitskommission, die Gespräche mit allen führt und den Zustand dieser autarken Gesellschaft überwacht. Protokolle dieser Gespräche zwischen Menschen oder Humanoiden und der Arbeitskommission lesen wir, unordentlich sortiert und nur in Teilen vorgelegt.

Wie wir erfahren, läuft das anfangs alles gut. Man kommt an, besucht den Planeten, bringt einige Gegenstände oder Artefakte mit, stellt diese aus. Alle Beteiligten, egal ob Mensch oder halbe Maschine, fangen an zu träumen und werden ihrer Arbeit und ihrer Mission überdrüssig.

Es gibt eine Revolte. Man greift zu extremen Mitteln. Trotz …

The Employees

4 stars

I read Olga Ravn's The Employees ("A Workplace Novel of the 22nd Century"), and this book sure has some attributes.

The format of this book is ~entirely in disjointed and anonymous (confessional?/professional)? statements to an off-page undescribed committee.

Statement 015 I'm very happy with my add-on. I think you should let more of us have one. It's me and yet it's not me. I've had to change completely in order to assimilate this new part, which you say is also me.

Statement 011 The fragrance in the room has four hearts. None of these hearts is human, and that's why I'm drawn toward them. At the base of this fragrance is soil and oakmoss, incense, and the smell of an insect captured in amber.

I've included two partial statements here for flavor from adjacent pages, because this is the only way I feel like I can convey the Annihilation-esque vibes …

Review of 'The Employees' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars


"...I dream that there are hundreds of black seeds in my skin, and when I scratch at them they get caught under my nails like fish eggs. Then, with a popping sound, new ones appear where I scratched the other ones away. I feel that this has something to do with the objects in the rooms, but I don't know how. There's something about their smoothness in relation to my skin...I got the impression that one of the objects wanted to take my skin away from me..."

The Employees is a short novel comprised of numbered interviews with "Employees" of the Six-Thousand ship, an exploration vessel whose full purpose is mostly unknown, but one of its functions is to house some strange objects that are recovered from an unknown place. Through the interviews with the employees, we get a vague idea of these mysterious objects which may or …

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  • Germanic literature
