Becky Chambers: A Prayer for the Crown-Shy (Hardcover, 2022, Doherty Associates, LLC, Tom) 5 stars

After touring the rural areas of Panga, Sibling Dex (a Tea Monk of some renown) …

As delightful as cozy Science-Fiction gets

5 stars

Even better than the first book in the series! Funnier, more moving and (even) more thought-provoking at once.

In A Prayer for the Crown-Shy, we spend more time focusing on Mosscap, and how it learns the human way of living. Sibling Dex changes and learns too, watching their friends and self-reflecting a lot on what their life used to be and what it has become. I am amazed how subtly the author depicts the evolution of such profound and complex characters in the span of so few pages. It is delicate, soothing, and overall a wonderful read !

I am so very glad Becky Chambers chose to be an author, we'd have missed something great.