
Fintan has a brilliant prose. And a great eye for cultural, social and political sign-of-the-times symptons and changinf circumstances. Ireland's late history, from the perspective of the Republic, but also with Northern Ireland very much present in the account. How a super-catholic country chanhed radically... As a Basque reader I learnt a lot. I expeted a little more about sociolinguistics and language loss, nevertheless.

Ingelesez irakurria, baina euskaldun batentzat asko asko ikasteko hemen; bereziki Ipar Irlandako gatazkaz. Egoera soziolinguistikoaz eta Irlandesaren galeraz ez dago askorik... hori bota dut faltan. Irlandako kultura eta gizarteko hainbat gai tratatzen dituelarik O'Toole kazetariak horretaz hain gutxi topatzeak jada kontu galdu eta ahaztua dela pentsarazten dit.