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Joined 1 year, 1 month ago

I love scifi and dystopian literature, but will try a little bit of everything. My book backlog currently spans multiple shelves of my bookcase, but we're getting there bit by bit.

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finished reading 1984 by George Orwell

George Orwell: 1984 (Paperback, 1994, Hawk Press) 5 stars

Content warning Minor spoilers for the general nature of the ending.

A reread, since it had been awhile. We just rewatched the 2009 and 2011 films, and I wanted to have a better idea how they compare to the books (very well, it seems). I also noticed the other day that Standard Ebooks has a significant number of Doyle's works, so some more Sherlock Holmes might be showing up in my read books at some point...

Fun stories. Some of them were particularly interesting in comparison to Asimov's other works — one of the stories has a very similar premise to one of the Foundation novels, but has the opposite conclusion. It was interesting to compare the two and see how his views must have changed between writing them.