Emma Donoghue: The wonder (2016) 3 stars

"Tourists flock to the cabin of eleven-year-old Anna O'Donnell, who is said to be living …

Review of 'The wonder' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

3.5 stars, really. It's a good story, but I felt the main character was a bit annoying, which made reading it less fun.

I don't know if this is exactly a criticism, but there were no "big reveals" in the story. From start to finish it's pretty much how you would expect the story to proceed, which makes it realistic but also, I dunno, a bit dull and gray at times. I'm not saying I would have wanted a deus ex machina ending, but, I don't know, some level of surprise would be nice.

I certainly wouldn't say it's a bad book. It's emotionally strong, and the characters are interesting to watch most of the time, but I guess it left me underwhelmed.