Reviews and Comments

Brad Vrolijk ๐Ÿ“–

Joined 1ย year, 4ย months ago

Occasionally reads. Has ambitions to read more.

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Rob Bell: What We Talk about When We Talk about God 4 stars

Review of 'What We Talk about When We Talk about God' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

Interesting but somewhat unfocused. Rob Bell meanders through a variety of topics and while no single portion of the book is particularly enlightening โ€“ at least none were to me โ€“ย there are small pieces of wisdom and challenge scattered throughout. It's a quick read, so probably worth it if you want a casual, quick look at the nature of God.

Paolo Bacigalupi: Ship breaker (2010, Little, Brown and Co.) 4 stars

In a futuristic world, teenaged Nailer scavenges copper wiring from grounded oil tankers for a โ€ฆ

Review of 'Ship Breaker (Ship Breaker, #1)' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

A fantastic read that takes a somewhat clichรฉd storyline and fills it with dramatic, multi-layered characters that makes the entire read completely engrossing. I don't want to spoil too much, but the story rapidly expands from focusing on Nailer, a teenaged boy who lives on the coast of the Gulf of Mexico with his abusive father while working essentially as a slave harvesting copper off of old beached tankers. With no future, his life is entirely focused on sustenance and ensuring that he doesn't lose his spot on his work crew.

It doesn't take long before he encounters people who challenge and expand his view of the world. Rather than be preachy about being "correct," Ship Breaker takes you on an adventure about exploring your place in an ever-changing world that shifts around us. Expertly written, blisteringly paced and highly entertaining, Ship Breaker is a great book that will connect โ€ฆ