Harlan Coben: Tell no one (2002, Dell Pub.) 4 stars

Eight years after his beloved wife, Elizabeth, was supposedly murdered by a serial killer, Beck …

Review of 'Tell no one' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

This was my first Harlan Coben thriller, though I watched movies based on his books. Fast paced, likeable and, more importantly, believable characters and plausible storyline. What else can a reader ask for, right?

As a sidenote - I like to let my phone read me an ebook on my runs, and this one is perfect for it! On a few occasions I was so absorbed in the story that I ran longer than intended, just to finish the chapter!

I’m generally not a fan of all-powerful villains, but in lieu of the ongoing war in Ukraine started by one such superthug, it seems that real life is adjusting my attitude. Besides, without going into spoilers, the Coben’s villain plays out like many modern, real-life tycoons we read about in the news.