Madi Sinha: At Least You Have Your Health (2022, Penguin Publishing Group) 5 stars

At Least You Have Your Health

5 stars

Lovely story. Great insights into medicines, hospitals, immigrants, private schools, marriage, and (from pregnancy to diapers and colic) childbirth. Interesting looks at what are probably good descriptions of Philadelphia and Belize and parts of India. I want to read her other book (having read the first few pages, which are appended to this book).

Several words were unfamiliar or previously unknown to me: p3 performative p7 dingy (meaning the car exterior was full of dings) p64 milquetoast p274 sanative p282 limned p283 deplaned and a few medical terms!

Poor grammar or syntax: p1 "who only owned one car" should be "who owned only one car" pp28+153 "slinked" is OK for Scrabble apparently but not literature p74 "parents, whom she thought would ..." - no: "who ... would" p98 pry should be prise p211 "had showed" is not the best p254 "Or, you know ..." sentence should have the speech verb straight after the speaker's name rather than at the end after two more clauses (That's a much shorter list than the average I have recorded for modern books; well done, Madi and proofreader!) But I was irritated by the frequent intrusion of an unnecessary comma after a parenthetical expression that had no comma before it. Both or none, please! And is it really OK to omit the traditional comma after initial "Oh"?