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Robin Forlonge Patterson

Joined 1 year, 4 months ago

Most of the books I read come from the Feilding Public Library. My wife chooses them and I read a selection, mostly at mealtimes at the breakfast bar. Chicklit predominates - UK, Ireland, Australia. I have a GoodReads account with a couple of dozen books reviewed on it. I hope I can import them easily, but I'll copy and paste if necessary if this site is good enough. Find me also on and Also until I complete the redirection to the nz one.

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Madi Sinha: At Least You Have Your Health (2022, Penguin Publishing Group) 5 stars

At Least You Have Your Health

5 stars

Lovely story. Great insights into medicines, hospitals, immigrants, private schools, marriage, and (from pregnancy to diapers and colic) childbirth. Interesting looks at what are probably good descriptions of Philadelphia and Belize and parts of India. I want to read her other book (having read the first few pages, which are appended to this book).

Several words were unfamiliar or previously unknown to me: p3 performative p7 dingy (meaning the car exterior was full of dings) p64 milquetoast p274 sanative p282 limned p283 deplaned and a few medical terms!

Poor grammar or syntax: p1 "who only owned one car" should be "who owned only one car" pp28+153 "slinked" is OK for Scrabble apparently but not literature p74 "parents, whom she thought would ..." - no: "who ... would" p98 pry should be prise p211 "had showed" is not the best p254 "Or, you know ..." sentence should have the speech verb …

Review of 'Coming Home to Brightwater Bay' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

Lovely story.
The book I read was NOT 448 pages but 431; Goodreads out of date again. Copyright Tamsyn Murray.
Paperback has four "Parts" - each of which was formerly published separately (which explains why Parts 2, 3, and 4 summarise a bit of what went before).

Better proofreading than in most recent books I have read.

Review of 'Love Me, Love Me Not' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

Good story.

Goodreads is out of date, technically lying, when it still says "There are no editions with format Paperback." What I have just read is a paperback (owned by Manawatu District Libraries). The story runs from page 1 to page 369. "First published in Great Britain in 2022 by Orion Books, ..." Printed and bound in Australia, which naturally makes it physically easier to handle.

As the back cover blurb indicates, the heroine, Lucy ("Loose" to her friends!), suffers from low self-esteem and tries to present herself as someone she's not. Fairly depressing reading in parts, but eventually her friends persuade her that she can be loved. Her brother was unkind to her as a child, but the reason comes out in the end.

Inconsistent punctuation; too few appearances of "whom" - e.g. on p358. No quotation marks - which can be confusing when the reader can't be sure …

Katy Colins: The Best is Yet to Come (Paperback, 2021, HQ) No rating

Review of 'The Best is Yet to Come' on 'Goodreads'

No rating

In the book I have beside me, the story runs from page 1 to page 371. To get to 384 one would have to include author's note, acknowledgments, and most of the pages that precede page 1. Is this the same edition?

Lovely story, anyway!

Inconsistent punctuation.
Misuse of "may" when it should be "might". Other poor grammar. Missing words.
p343 "ten to the dozen" is NOT "racing"
p347 "bragging of this" should be "bragging of his"*

Review of 'I Give It a Year' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

My edition, published by Orion, borrowed from Feilding library, has 370 pages plus 2 pages of credits. Not listed here.
The Goodreads blurb, copied from the back cover, is wrong in the first sentence. (Blurb writers are often wrong.) Iris finds the first message after the new year has pealed out from Big Ben.
The Goodreads heading, above, is also wrong: it should say "it" rather than "It".
Overall impression from a proofreader's viewpoint is "inconsistent punctuation".
Reached page 14 with only one page marked for comment - the one with the word "smushed": "informal•North American", says Google; merger of smash and crush.

Continuing to the end:

p 3 the Danish product is officially "LEGO", not "Lego".
p 41 "that week which" needs comma for non-defining clause
p 59 "between him" should be "between himself"
p 221 5 June is 5 months, not 6, from 1 January
p 231 "very …

Review of 'Miracle on Christmas Street' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

Lovely story with great mix of characters and a budding romance resolved fairly late in the book (with another one merely hinted at). Jess's personality develops heart-warmingly.

The edition that I read is a "Mass Market Paperback" 978 1 3987 0048 2, typeset in Lymington.
373 pages of story and one each of acknowledgments and credits. (How can we tell goodreads about an unlisted edition?)

Cover picture is inconsistent with text; e.g. several details of number 24. Not unusual for cover pictures!

Punctuation a bit inconsistent but above average for modern works I have read although many misplaced apostrophes and some "who" that should be"whom" and more than one definitely wrong comma ("a very, merry, Christmas to you") or omission of a comma ("... in particular Martha who ..." - clearly a non-defining relative clause starting)

Some unusual (maybe even novel) words such as holly-sprigged, assault-y, It'd, catastrophising, div (not …

Review of 'Again, Rachel' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

Read 110 pages before book had to go back to library.
Great reading. Lovely language.
Number 7 in the Walsh series - five sisters who have summit meetings.
Words new to me but not to Google:
"tweakments" - treatments to tweak appearance of face
Page 13 needs comma after "pre-dopamine".