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Deborah E. Harkness: Time's convert (2018) 4 stars

"From the #1 New York Times bestselling author of A Discovery of Witches, a novel …

Review of "Time's convert" on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

More time with the De Claremonts - what's not to love?

I love the world Deborah Harkness created in the All Souls Trilogy, and the characters she populated it with are amazing. I've been hoping for a chance to see how life has treated the Bishop-De Claremont family and this return visit does not disappoint!

We learn what Marcus' life was like before he became a vampire as well as the first several years after he was reborn. Through Phoebe's part of the story we discover just what a newly reborn vampire must do to adapt to their new lives, and I truly love that there's so much more to it than typically has been in other vampire stories - it gives the transformation serious gravitas and makes it feel like the monumental event it should be. And, of course, we spend time with Diana, Matthew, Becca and Philip who …

Gail Carriger: Competence (2018, Orbit) 5 stars

Review of 'Competence' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

Well of course it's excellent, Gail Carriger wrote it!

Really, what more needs be said? It's another incredibly good, rollickingly fun tale of adventure, love, very British propriety (or, perhaps, the lack thereof) and tea.

The story this time is told mainly from Primrose's point of view, but all of the characters get their due and is fun to see them from a somewhat different perspective.

All-in-all, this latest trip to the Parasolverse makes a splendid little vacation - enjoy your stay!

Ralph Delahaye Paine: Joshua Barney (Paperback, 2007, Kessinger Publishing, LLC) 5 stars

Review of 'Joshua Barney' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

I read and am voluntarily reviewing a copy I received from the publisher at no cost.

This is a great companion novel (and start of a companion series) to Ayers' Valkyrie books. The stories take place during the same time period as the original books, with this one covering the time from the first Valkyrie book. The next one will match the time period for the second original book and so on, but they tell the story from the perspective of Joshua, who was an increasingly important side character in the Valkyrie stories.

Because of the overlapping timeframe, there are some incidents that are repeated - something that will likely increase as the series goes forward - but because they're told from a different character's perspective it doesn't feel like a repeat. There's a freshness to it and new insights into what happens.

I really enjoyed this book and am …

T.G. Ayer: Scorched Fury : A SkinWalker Novel #5 (Paperback, 2018, Infinite Ink Books) 5 stars

Review of 'Scorched Fury : A SkinWalker Novel #5' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

I voluntarily reviewed an advanced reader copy of this book.

Things are literally heating up in the DarkWorld as Kai finds herself pulled in several directions at once. Not only is Logan still sick, but there is his sister to find, intrigue in the Fae courts, Lily trying to cope with Anjelo's death and a mysterious assailant for Kai to handle.

With all that going on the story moves along quite quickly, but not at the expense of the emotional impact. Kai goes through a number of highs and lows and I felt them all right along with her.

The series continues to be a great read.