Christina Bauer: Wolves And Roses (Paperback, 2019, Monster House Books) 5 stars

"Seventeen-year-old Bryar Rose has a problem. She's descended from one of the three magical races--shifters, …

Review of 'Wolves And Roses' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

I received a copy of this book at no cost from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

This is a really fun book, even if part of the premise didn't make a whole lot of sense to me. In the world the book is set in, there are people who are destined to live life - or at least part of it - by the basic plot of a fairy tale. It's never explained how or why this happens, but once I decided to just accept that it does and not worry about it making sense I was able to thoroughly enjoy the book.

There a lot of humor in the story but plenty of mystery, too. The romances were sweet (and yes, there's more than one!) and the guys are great. There are a lot of twists and turns to the plot, but they're nicely set up and the reveals flow naturally into the narrative.

This is the first book in Christina Bauer's "Fairy Tales of the Magicorum" series. It's certainly an intriguing start and I'm interested to see where it goes next.