Holly Evans: Stolen Ink (Paperback, 2017, Createspace Independent Publishing Platform, CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform) 5 stars

Review of 'Stolen Ink' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

This book is *really× good

I voluntarily read an advanced reader copy of this book.

There are several different kinds of magic in this alternative Earth. The main kind used here is tattoo magic and it is easily of the more interesting ones I've come across in my reading. It's kind of tricky to try and explain how it works without giving an example of one being done, and I know how much I hate spoilers, so I'll just say this: It's really creative and sounds exceptionally cool. I kinda wish I it was real!

Dacian is a tattoo magician and is quite good at his job - perhaps too good. He's worked hard to keep the extent of his abilities under wraps because if it were known it could put him in danger. However, when someone starts stealing people's tattoos - causing them to die in agony - he realizes he may have to risk exposing himself to prevent more murders.

The book had a moderately large cast of characters who are introduced to us over the course of the story, which I really liked. The pacing of the introductions allowed the characters personalities to stand out before becoming part of the enable.

There's a sweet romance that develops and I really appreciated that it wasn't an "instalove." By going at a slower pace I get to see how the guys grow together as a couple and how their interaction changes them both. I feel more invested in their relationship and it makes me want to see them succeed that much more.

I also really liked how vivid the descriptions are.I often felt like I was almost more watching the story than reading a blook.

I have high hopes for the rest of this series based on this start.