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Bluejay Locked account

Joined 1 year ago

I read lots of fiction novels as a child, spent several years lost on the Internet, and have now settled down to read the occasional book again but I typically focus more on non-fiction at this point. I have always been a solo reader, never part of a book club or discussion group, so this is brave new territory for me.

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Bluejay's books

To Read


Jack Kelly: The Edge of Anarchy: The Railroad Barons, the Gilded Age, and the Greatest Labor Uprising in America (2019) 5 stars

Kept me on the edge of my seat

5 stars

This is a fascinating look at the rail industry, company towns, worker exploitation, the development of American labor movements, and the political and violent suppression of unions. It's also way too relatable to current times, right down to pro-corporate supreme court rulings and union groups split between choosing intersectionality or exclusivity.