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I have FINALLY finished as Executive Orders by Tom Clancy ( 7, 8, or 9 /Jack Ryan , depending on the source). I had to take a long break to finish this 50hr . Amazing & creepy that this was written pre-9/11 & pre-Covid. I was bored by the political speeches & unethical journalists. Also a bit weirded out that Ryan comes off as more conservative than Reagan was. How can that be so likeable? @bookstodon


Wildbow: Worm (EBook, 2013, https://parahumans.wordpress.com) 5 stars

An introverted teenage girl with an unconventional superpower, Taylor goes out in costume to find …

I like this promo image for my latest novel "500" that's been making the rounds on some other social media platforms lately, so I thought I'd share it here.

If you like what you're seeing, you can pick up the book in paperback, hardcover, or Kindle Edition eBook via Amazon:



As a heads up to my , I'd highly recommend catching up on any of my first six that you might have missed by the end of this year. My 7th, while still a standalone, is very much tied to everything that's come before it and will likely hit a lot harder for you if you're at least somewhat familiar with one or more of my previous works.

