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“Princeton Alumni call on university to divest and end complicity in genocide: We stand alongside Princeton University students in demanding divestment, boycott, and an end to the university's silence over the genocide in Gaza.”

by Princeton Alumni For Gaza in Mondoweiss @mondoweiss @palestine @israel

“For the students risking their safety and their institutional standing in the name of human dignity, In the nation’s service and the service of humanity is more than marketing copy: it’s a commitment to a more human future. That future starts now. We stand alongside students in demanding:

1. and Disclosure: Princeton University must divest and dissociate its endowment of all direct and indirect holdings in companies that profit from or engage in the State of Israel’s ongoing genocidal military onslaught, occupation, and apartheid policies. The University must commit to full financial transparency on all its investments. …

(In Italian - English in alt-text and below)

Uno schizzo veloce, un disegno fatto ritagliando un tempo che non ho per celebrare l'antifascismo e la liberazione, ma soprattutto per ricordare, in primis a me stessa, che la resistenza è un atto quotidiano, che risiede in ogni atto, anche nelle pennellate improvvisate di una mattina di aprile, un 25 Aprile.
Buona liberazione e buona resistenza a tutti e tutte!


Solnit: We are our stories ... that can be both prison and the crowbar to break open the door of that prison; we make stories to save ourselves or to trap ourselves or others, stories that lift us up or smash us against the stone wall of our own limits and fears. is always in part a storytelling process: breaking stories, breaking silences, making new stories. A free person tells her own story. A valued person lives in a society in which her has a place.