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Rob Wilkins: Terry Pratchett : a Life with Footnotes (2022, Transworld Publishers Limited) 5 stars

'People think that stories are shaped by people. In fact, it's the other way around.' …

It's a well written book, often funny, sometimes moving, but as a biography it's weak. The first part, which draws from Pratchett's unfinished autobiography, holds up the best, but the second part end up more as Wilkin's memorial of Pratchett than a biography about him.

It's not a hagiography, but it's all pretty surface-level. The book never really tries to get under the skin of Terry Pratchett, and neither does go into any depth about his authorship. For example, the book mentions Neil Gaiman's quote about Pratchett's anger, but it never explores this anger in any real measure, neither in how Pratchett as a person or in how it manifests in his books.

If you're a fan of Pratchett, it's a good read with enough interesting facts and details to keep you interested, but as biographies goes, it files under "mostly harmless."

#books #TerryPratchett #biography

Just finisihed this & it's brilliant: Katalin Kariko's story of her life. She was convinced that mRNA therapies could work decades ago & did the foundation work, all while being ignored, never promoted & struggling for jobs.

Today, millions are vaccinated with mRNA vaccines & she has a Nobel prize.

It's a great story, and leaves a lot for the scientific system to think about. Highly recommended.

I still haven’t read Lolly Willowes, which is a shame, I know, but this review essay on the novel and a new biography on Valentine Ackland, Townsend Warner’s partner, brought it back to my tbr pile.

I’m still awfully lagging behind my @lrb pile, but being a little bit out of synch with the news these days isn’t that bad, Anyway, a good review essay probably profits if one doesn’t read it to be in the loop.
