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reviewed Star Trek: Picard: Firewall by David Mack (Star Trek: Picard, #6)

David Mack: Star Trek: Picard: Firewall (AudiobookFormat, 2024) 5 stars

Two years after the USS Voyager’s return from the Delta Quadrant, Seven of Nine finds …

The start of how Seven became the woman we know today (as in ST: Picard)

5 stars

Content warning Possible spoilers for David Mack's "Star Trek: Picard: Firewall". I don't say anything too specific, and nothing that I would call plot relevant, but some people might still count that as spoilers. Hence this CW.

Incredibly lucky and incredibly tragic. Jeri Ryan’s stand-in in Picard, Margot, was diagnosed with a rapid form of , a fatal degenerative disease. The family has organized a . It’s tragic she has this terrible condition that will kill her in two years. She’s lucky to have such an influential community to help.

Trek Against ALS

This is why we need universal healthcare.

The FINAL episode of is streaming now.
What a journey this has been...
A huge thank you to the fans who have given us so much love through all these years. Your enthusiasm and support has been nothing short of amazing.
And a very special thank you to our fearless leader @terrymatalas and the entire remarkable writing team for giving all of these characters such beautiful words to play with.
To my fellow cast: what an HONOR & a JOY to play with you. Let’s do it again🖖🏼❤️

Content warning Picard Thoughts