Reviews and Comments

Part-time Monk

Joined 1 year, 7 months ago

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Colleen Hoover: Verity (2021, Grand Central Publishing) 3 stars

Lowen Ashleigh is a struggling writer on the brink of financial ruin when she accepts …

Review of 'Verity' on 'Goodreads'

2 stars

Things I liked:

- The suspense in the first part of the story, where nothing of interest happens but the tension is still very strong.
- The interesting plot idea

Things I did not like:

- The execution of the plot. The final plot twist is really kind of stupid and not believable at all.
- Flat characters. I mean, who is Jeremy, apart from a guy that likes to get his dick sucked? I still have no clue.
- Illogical and unnecessary plot lines. Why the horrific accident in the first pages? Why is the relationship with her agent given so much attention when it says so little?

All in all, this book left me disappointed.

David Kushner: Masters of Doom: How Two Guys Created an Empire and Transformed Pop Culture (2004) 4 stars

Masters of Doom: How Two Guys Created an Empire and Transformed Pop Culture is a …

Review of 'Masters of Doom: How Two Guys Created an Empire and Transformed Pop Culture' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

As someone that (back in the day) breathlessly waited for the shareware release of Doom to download on his 2400 bps modem, this was a very nostalgic, but also fun and interesting read.

Sönke Ahrens: 卡片笔记写作法 (Chinese language, 2021, 人民邮电出版社)

卡片笔记写作法 by 


德国著名学者卢曼基于学习心理学的洞察,借鉴久经考验的笔记技术,使用卡片盒笔记写作法,积累了 9万张知识卡片,一生中写了 58本书和上百篇论文。



 德国的卢曼被称为“当代黑格尔”,是马克思和韦伯之后,百年一遇的具备天才卓识的大师。作为20世纪社会理论界的一颗明星,卢曼以其辉煌作品的灿烂光芒,照耀着整个20世纪下半叶西方当代社会理论的发展进程。他的写作方式别具一格,37岁才投身学术界,并只用了一年时间就获得了在德国很难获得的博士学位。他生前发表了58本书,及数百篇文章,不仅高产,而且《社会的社会》、《社会的艺术》等都成为影响深远的新经典。在本书中详细公开他成就背后的秘密——卡片笔记写作法,即使普通人不一定能够著作等身,但一定不再为写作发愁。

 从根本上改变写作难,学会卢曼的卡片笔记写作法,将会发现无论是写论文、还是写书都不再是不可能实现的任务。传统先定写作目标和计划,自上而下地写,所以会感觉被逼无奈、事倍功半,而卡片笔记法是从平日就已经在构建自己的知识库,等有灵感的时候,才提取储备的知识,所以写起来兴致盎然。

 本书的作者借鉴了卢曼的卡片笔记写作法,所以这本书也算是一个学习成果,每个见解都综合了许多商业、心理学的相关研究,不仅提高了写作技能,也全面提升学习技能。英文版豆瓣评分8.8,想读近3000人,受欢迎程度可见一斑。




——姬十三 果壳CEO



每天写6张卡片笔记,一年就可以完成博士论文,你信吗?20世纪最伟大的社会理论学家卢曼教授就是这样做的。这本书详细地介绍了卢曼从阅读到记笔记到写作的整个工作流程及其背后的认知原理。真希望十年前的自己知道这个卡片盒笔记法,强烈推荐每一个学生、科研工作者、作家、终身学习者都阅读这本书并认真地实践它。 …

Hans Rosling: Factfulness (Hardcover, 2018, SCEPTRE) 4 stars

It turns out that the world, for all its imperfections, is in a much better …

Review of 'Factfulness' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

Passionate book about getting your facts straight first, THEN forming an opinion. Includes lots of practical tips to help you see through misinformation and fearmongering. Rosling will surely be missed by many.

reviewed The redeemer by Jo Nesbø (A Harry Hole mystery)

Jo Nesbø: The redeemer (2011, Windsor) 2 stars

"One night in Oslo, Christmas shoppers gather to listen to a Salvation Army street concert. …

Review of 'The redeemer' on 'Goodreads'

2 stars

I found myself getting increasingly annoyed with this book. Another reviewer already mentioned the “bad confusion” that made it hard for me to really get into the story.

I also didn’t like the large cast of characters. The plot is quite involved and because of that there’s just no time to get to know all these people. They remain cardboard characters. More confusion. :(

I will say that the plot was interesting and original, though. It’s the main reason I finished this book.