Paul S. Kemp: Star Wars: Lords of the Sith (2015) 4 stars

When the Emperor and his notorious apprentice, Darth Vader, find themselves stranded in the middle …

Review of 'Star Wars: Lords of the Sith' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

Remember when Darth Vader was this bad ass that scared you as a kid? If you were born in the 70s like me you do. He wasn't some angsty teen with terrible writing.

This book brings more of the bad ass scary guy than the angsty idiot that was created in the prequels. There are still some moments where they dredge up some of that, but the opening scene was a good homage to when Darth Vader's stories hadn't been flushed out and he was this scary monster from the original trilogy.

a nice novel between Ep 3 and Ep4 with some development of how life under the Empire was, and the hopelessness that some people might have felt. Some decent intrigue and twists. It is a fun read.