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Joined 1 year, 6 months ago

Used to absolutely destroy a ton of it's hard to get around to it.

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Blake Crouch: Upgrade (Hardcover, 2022, Ballantine Books) 4 stars

“You are the next step in human evolution.”

At first, Logan Ramsay isn’t sure if …

Interesting Read

4 stars

Really interesting read. The implications of gene editing and what it could be like with "regulation" was really interesting. Really makes you think. I have to admit I wasn't fully immersed as a reader. And there were some twists that were less shocking and felt more like "huh?". But all in all interesting and good read.

finished reading The Law by Jim Butcher (The Dresden Files, #17.4)

Jim Butcher: The Law (EBook, Imaginary Empire) 5 stars

From the number one New York Times bestselling The Dresden Files series, a brand new …

Loved this short book. I'm a sucker for all the Dresden Books, and this was fantastic taste between the huge book that was the 17th book and what's upcoming. Great set of new characters and some hints to how his dynamic with the people of Chicago. Can't wait for the next one!

Jenny Lawson: Furiously Happy (Hardcover, Picador, imusti) 4 stars

Funny book. It honestly made me thinks about a number of things both due to my own issues with various mental illnesses, but also a perspective on others.

The only problem I had was the constant tug between real and "artistic license". Maybe it's because I'm unfamiliar with her work, but what was fact or what was fancified for publishing really tugged on me. For me, because the topic is personal, I kept going in and out regarding how much I can trust the source...which was frustrating.