User Profile

Robin Shipton đź“š

Joined 1 year, 5 months ago

Reader and (now) writer of #sciencefiction, #fantasy, and #romance, with a smattering of all kinds of other stuff: #history, #polyamory, #WritingCraft, #philosophy, and #TTRPG books.

Mildly #queer, #TransRights supporter, #parent, and #Canadian. #AntiRacism is a process not a checkbox.

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Alessandro Piroddi, Luca Maiorani: Fantasy World (EBook, 2023, MS Edizioni) No rating

Fantasy World is about facing danger, exploring meaningful relationships, traveling to fantastic places and facing …

Not entirely happy with this game. Very inconsistent tone, maybe partly to blame on the translation, and tone is so important in a PbtA game to make the marriage of fiction and function work right. A lot of questionable word choice in the translation too, but the underlying text is often wordy and talks around an idea instead of expressing it concisely.

Not at all impressed by “magically twisted = ugly = evil” being the central tension of one class. The design is good in a lot of the rules, but the class Moves feel like the weakest part.

Beatrix Potter: Short Fiction (EBook, 2023, Standard Ebooks) No rating

A collection of Beatrix Potter’s short stories for children, ordered by date of publication.

Beatrix …

Each story adds to a strange, self-referential world of animals that are an odd mix of people and animals—young pigs wear coats and are warned about being bought for bacon, kittens are put in Sunday best while running around on four feet, mice make dresses from cloth scraps and keep city manners while other mice go naked without comment. Endearing, a little weird… and very of its time.