Cal Newport: Deep Work (2016) 4 stars

One of the most valuable skills in our economy is becoming increasingly rare. If you …

Review of 'Deep Work' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

In "Deep Work", Cal Newport discusses how it has become difficult to perform work that requires a long attention span. He furthermore explains why he (and many others) believe that this is exactly the important work that will help your career, the company your working for and humankind in general.

This is certainly not the only or the latest book that discusses this material. This book has a little less scientific discussion on the matter and much more practical advise.

There were some tricks that you will find in many books (eg "reduce the amount of time you spend answering email") but there are also many great and useful insights.

I think every one should read this book or similar ones (for instance, [b:Stolen Focus: Why You Can't Pay Attention- and How to Think Deeply Again|57933306|Stolen Focus Why You Can't Pay Attention- and How to Think Deeply Again|Johann Hari||90770433] that I recently read) from time to time. Just to get a refresher so you can focus back on what really matters.