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Joined 5 months, 1 week ago

Any pronouns :) I'm Niboe! I read books sometimes. I have read very little sci-fi especially considering how much I like sci-fi concepts. Stuck between YA and nonfiction, but open to branching out. Also, I've never had a goodreads or anything like this before so my book catalogue is not representative of what I've read.

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Niboe's books

Currently Reading


Chen Qiufan, Kai-Fu Lee: AI 2041 (2021, Currency) 3 stars

AI will be the defining development of the twenty-first century. Within two decades, aspects of …

Worth reading, but barely

3 stars

This book rides the line between sci-fi and nonfiction science predictions. The stories are nice, but their main draw comes from the ideas they illustrate about how our world could look in 20 or so years. Each short story is followed by a nonfiction segment explaining what the short story is supposed to illustrate. Those segments are pretty boring as most of what they say can be observed just by reading the short stories and having a little reading comprehension.

The predictions themselves aren't likely to age well. even for their time I think they lack a much-needed political analysis. For technology, they are quite imaginative and consider the interaction between AI and other emerging technologies like AR/VR and 3D printing (fascinating!), but the most they can imagine for emerging politics is UBI and more neoliberalism (boring!).

Nina Varela: Crier's War (Paperback, 2020, Quill Tree Books) 5 stars

Impossible love between two girls —one human, one Made. A love that could birth a …

Makes me feel understood

5 stars

I love the way they weave what is typically a sci-fi premise (robots taking over the world) into an otherwise completely fantasy setting. Good lore, good characters, and good gay moments. Not enough gay moments tho. Also quite refreshing to see characters trying to grapple with a world full of colonialism. I think it could be done better in a work that has greater focus on that topic, but it was still quite nice and makes me feel understood.