Bailey Cates: Brownies And Broomsticks (2012, Signet Book) 4 stars

Review of 'Brownies And Broomsticks' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

The heroine is a little ditzy in this one. I hope she acts more intelligently in future novels. The premise of the books is very good. She starts a bakery with an older aunt and uncle, and finds out that she's a hereditary witch. Much of her life falls into place; things she'd never been able to explain in her past makes more sense.

Unfortunately, her brain is taken up by hormones and a touch of fat phobia. There are two men, blah blah, that she finds attractive to a distracting degree. Perhaps because she's sworn off dating for a certain period of time after a bad breakup? Much like dieting, swearing off something makes it so very much more attractive...

I was also annoyed that there weren't enough clues to figure out the killer until almost the end of the book. Although I was amused that I guessed the correct person anyway.

I will read more of this author, she has promise. Also - I wanted to mention, it was the audiobook that I listened to, and the reader was GREAT.