
Review of 'Whistle' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

I received an advanced review copy of Whistle: A New Gotham City Hero for review purposes. My opinions are my own.

Whistle: A New Gotham City Hero is the latest graphic novel in DC Comics’ YA graphic novel line. As the title states, it features a new hero in Gotham, 16-year-old Willow Zimmerman. She spends her time advocating for her community and caring for stray dog Lebowitz, but little does she know how drastically her, and her dog’s, lives are about to change!

Since Willow is an original character, you need no prior knowledge to pick up and read the book. Yes, it features some familiar names and places, but a completely new to DC Comics reader would not be at all lost in reading it. But at the same time it is fun for people familiar with DC Comics and Gotham City to see another part of it, a story outside of Batman and his family of vigilantes.

Whistle is a story of being a teen in today’s world. In a city that may have some supernatural and over-the-top villains but contain many of the same problems that we see in the real world. It questions a lot of gray areas when situations become desperate. It’s a story that truly makes you think. There are not really any warnings for this book other than considering some of the ethics of the decisions that Willow must make.

Overall, I really enjoyed Whistle: A New Gotham City Hero. I was excited to read about a new superhero in one of my favorite fictional series. I could easily see Willow being a permanent part of the Gotham City hero roster and I’m hoping to see her story explored more either in subsequent YA graphic novels, or even in the monthly periodicals, perhaps even fighting alongside Batman someday.

My full review can be found here: