
quoted Mona Lisa Overdrive by William Gibson, BA (The Neuromancer Trilogy)

William Gibson, BA: Mona Lisa Overdrive (Paperback, 2017, GOLLANCZ) 4 stars

But Kumiko would see the cranes later, many times, in dreams; they were origami, angular things folded from sheets of neon, bright stiff birds sailing the moonscape of her mother's madness...

Mona Lisa Overdrive by  (The Neuromancer Trilogy) (Page 2)

this quote inspired me to do many things, for example the wallpaper image i made in blender some time long ago, and my research around the security of book quote based passphrases (they are insecure)

@hackneymartian i have a longer answer somewhere else, but basically the problem is that you have a base and a number of (random) choices, with proper passwords the base is small (62 for alphanumeric) and the number of choices is large, this gives exponential growth with choices. with book passphrases there is a giant base (basically the number of words in all books combined) but only one really random choice (the starting point of the quote).

also thanks for the compliment ^^

@chelifer - chelifers are of interest to unconventional beekeepers - they may have a symbiosis with honeybee colonies - so I happen to know their common name

tx for explanation. I've often read in advice pages that any lexicography-word-based password is vulnerable because it narrows down the number of possible 'moves' ? But maybe I'm just working at a less knowledgeable level than you? (Don't worry about explaining more if I'm being tediously ignorant.)