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fritzoids's books

Currently Reading

Sarena Ulibarri: Steel Tree (2023, Android Press) 5 stars

Perfect Christmas Read

5 stars

I enjoyed this very much. I bought it as a Christmas present to myself. It is a very fun remaking of an older Christmas story but with robots and aliens and space elevators. It is also a story about things not always being the way we think they are. About trying to work towards things and finding out you might not actually want them.

Hazel Beck: Small Town, Big Magic (Paperback, 2022, Graydon House) 2 stars


2 stars

After reading this book I looked up the author. And it is two people. Besides listing their husbands, kids, and pets they don't really say much about themselves on their website or in the book. I suspect this book was written by (Ex-)Evangelicals or Mormons. Reasons I suspect this (in the order of my becoming aware of them):

  • the main character and love interest complement each other. They are "meant" for each other since the beginning. Everyone around them has known that they belong together. They complete each other. The main character's magical powers are hidden until she and the love interest are thrown together in extremis. Both their magical abilities are enhanced when they work together. Please look up Complementarianism if this doesn't make you think "fundamentalist Christian".

  • the main character's personality consists of being a Business Woman and Being in Charge and Organizing Things and Having Feminist Opinions …

C. M. Waggoner: The Ruthless Lady's Guide to Wizardry (Paperback, 2020, Penguin Publishing Group) 4 stars

Sparks fly in this enchanting fantasy novel from the author of Unnatural Magic when a …


5 stars

After reading this book my inner dialogue imitated the main character's way of talking. A lovely romance with attempted murder, drugs, discussions of class stratification, and magic.

things I enjoyed in this book: - the non-issue of queerness in this world (as in: it is totally accepted) - the way family and marriage are presented in this world

C. M. Waggoner: Unnatural Magic (2019, Penguin Publishing Group) 4 stars

Onna can write the parameters of a spell faster than any of the young men …


5 stars

The first time I read C M Waggoner's books I read them in the wrong order. That didn't diminish my enjoyment of either book, though. Because they are both set apart by ~30 years, it is quite easy to read both of them independently of each other. What I enjoyed in this book: - the world building with the various cultures and religions (troll & human) in different cities - the sex scenes - the murder mystery - the idea of magic being like a programming language, so that people without magic energy can still write magic parameters - the gender and race ideas in this world

Alex Finley: Victor in Trouble (Paperback, 2022, Smiling Hippo Press) No rating

a very entertaining book with so many references to reality that it was sometimes hard to distinguish what has an actual real counterpart (the National Jesus Brunch) and what is fiction (I am not entirely sure the Hos for Jesus "keeping the men straight, the race pure, and the religion Christian" are 100% made up). More hopeful than le Carré's Absolute Friends which is the last spy-novel I remember reading.