Samuel Pepys, Michael Maloney: The Diary of Samuel Pepys (AudiobookFormat, 2003, Brand: Naxos Audio Books, Naxos Audio Books) 5 stars

Samuel Pepys (23 February 1633 – 26 May 1703) was an administrator of the navy …

Review of 'The Diary of Samuel Pepys'

5 stars

Audio book and abridged. He certainly lived in momentus times. My only quibble with this text was the compilers went to the trouble to translate Pepys's short hand back to text but failed to translate the portions written in French or Spanish to English. I don't have command enough of those languages for those passages to be meaningful. Just put it all in English! On the other hand my suspicion is most of those passages were relating to his dalliances with women other than his wife so ... probably best to miss it anyway.

@farmertre - spot on - Sammy slipped into macaronic french when he was molesting someone. Curious as he was already writing in shorthand his wife couldn't have read. Kind of hiding it from his conscience. A favourite entry of mine is early on when he's with the delegation sent to bring Charles II from exile. The king announces a bonus for all the loyal sailors. Sam standing there wincing cos he knows there isn't money even for their regular pay.