
New Yorkers don't know where our nearest automated external defibrillators (AEDs) are, so when someone has a heart attack, more people die. A new City Council bill would change that. Help improve it & get it passed! Submit written testimony by 10am ET, April 2nd.

Not a New Yorker? We need expertise in education & . Or do 30 minutes of research about AED public data in your area. You don't have to write a lot! A paragraph is fine.

New Yorkers don't know where our nearest automated external defibrillators (AEDs) are, so when someone has a heart attack, more people die.

A City Council bill, Intro 814, a.k.a. The HEART (Harihareswara Expand Access to Rapid Treatment) Act, would change that.

Tomorrow it's going to a committee vote.

I wrote about what might happen tomorrow, how and why the bill is better than it was in March, and data bureaucracy nerdery!

Thanks to the several of you who answered my call to submit written testimony a few months ago -- you helped make the bill better!

I thiiiink the Health Committee meeting tomorrow will be livestreamed within (go to Live Video Feed and "Select a stream" Thursday starting 9:30am ET). And I'm fairly certain the full Council meeting at noon [was 1:30] ET will be livestreamed.

If there's a press event [edit: no], and a way for folks here to watch it remotely, I'll tell you.

Content warning NYC, opendata, NY City Council, liveposting