
Review of 'Beyond the Sand and Sea' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

I just took a job teaching English to speakers of other languages as a bumbling mid-western American man who went to a school at night for two years. I don't really know what a refugee camp is. I don't know what it means to immigrate. I don't know what it means to live in the US as a non-native speaker or immigrant.

On my quest to become less ignorant, I read across Beyond the Sand and Sea by Ty McCormick (@TyMcCormick).

What started as a journalistic study of the Dadaab Somali Refugee Camp in Kenya for McCormick turned into a close relationship with young Asad Hussein (@asadhussein_).

Asad Hussein's resilience in the face of crushing bureaucracy, grift, and xenophobia while pursuing his education and supporting his family is astonishing.

The story of one determined survivor of Dadaab seems to be just pinprick of light in the darkness of my ignorance. If you know of other related books, I'd love to read them.