Kim Stanley Robinson: The High Sierra (Hardcover, 2022, Little, Brown and Company) 5 stars

Kim Stanley Robinson first ventured into the Sierra Nevada mountains during the summer of 1973. …

Review of 'The High Sierra' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

Since reading Aurora by Kim Stanley Robinson (KSR), I have become obsessed with his books. I have read the Mars Trilogy several times and found new and interesting details each time. I am also a Midwest-based outdoors-person and lover of mountains.

KSR's Sierra book is beautiful. His discussions on Muir and the conservation of the range are interspersed with gear philosophy, life advice for outdoors people, and the stories that are swapped when outdoors-people start talking.

I was just thrilled to learn that my obsession with KSR's work and mountains are intertwined in a way that seems obvious in hindsight. So many physical descriptions in his books are inspired by the Sierra.

The highest complement that I can pay this book is that it has helped to inspire me to start an outdoor project to inspire my daughter to love the outdoors in the rivers and forests I grew up in.

The High Sierra: A Love Story by KSR, possibly his past book, is worth your time.

Anyway, Cory Doctorrow's review is better. Go read it: