
commented on Cherry Bomb by Jenny Valentish

Jenny Valentish: Cherry Bomb (Paperback, 2014) No rating

I read one chapter (after a short three-paragraph prologue) on Monday and then read two more today, with Chapter 4 up next.

The prose is snappy, really enjoyable, with one-liners in virtually every paragraph. The first-person POV is likably unlikeable, if that makes any sense: a character so wicked they're fun to read, but perhaps you want to be on guard if you have a friend like that in real life.

I have, thus far, nothing bad to say about this novel, except that it's so Aussie that it doesn't bother explaining to readers who Molly Meldrum is. Thankfully, I don't have that problem.

I'm still unsure whether I'll keep reading this. I have this slight mood for something different, something darker and/or more cosmic, but if I'm ever putting this down, it's not because it's bad. Not at all!

I mean I did make a playlist from the songs listed at the end. Three songs each for 24 chapters!