J. K. Rowling: Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (2004, Bloomsbury Publishing) 4 stars

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix is a fantasy novel written by British …

Review of 'Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

Fogarty : The Strange Tale of Fogarty Maximus and Other Dragons by Chris Bulteel is a stunningly illustrated middle grade book about Dragons who live in the mysterious Erehwon and is told in a way as if the adventures are real and it is Bulteel who is recounting the adventure Sir Alisdair Maddy Mcglynn find himself upon.

The illustrations by S. Kate Watson are stunning and help introduce the many dragons to the reader. It's what drew my attention to Fogarty : The Strange Tale of Fogarty Maximus and Other Dragons in the first place.

The book is one that will be loved by all who have a love for dragons and the mystery behind these mythical beings although I confess, I personally didn't like them dressed up - they lose something in my personal opinion when we humanise the creatures even if stage whispers they don't exist.

It's a very enjoyable read and I found the way the Scottish Laird, Sir Alisdair Maddy Mcglynn's storytelling is written so well done as you can hear the Scottish accent in your head and their is usage of familiar certainly to me, native words. This however leads me to a problem I did have with some of the writing, the book is designed for middle-grade children, so approximately 9 to 12 and the author does use some words that maybe difficult for children to understand. Whilst of course, it us always good to expand your vocabulary, there are some words that wouldn't be used for several years by the young reader and that can be off putting for them.

The world building is excellently done and there is a lesson to be told in Fogarty : The Strange Tale of Fogarty Maximus and Other Dragons hidden well within the adventures among dragons and the allure of precious gems etcetera and I really love that about books designed especially for the younger more impressionable reader.