D.E. Night: The Crowns of Croswald (Paperback, 2017, Stories Untold Press) 5 stars

Review of 'The Crowns of Croswald' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

The Crowns of Croswald is for anyone, young or old who loves magic, fairytales and dreamt once of wearing a crown.

Royalty with magic in their crowns, ’Scriveners’ with the talent and knowledge to create magic bring this book to life. There's a missing Royal family, a forgotten crown with no one there to collect, a dwarf who has stories filled with mystery and a Dark Queen you can't help but want to boo at.

D.E. Night has created a world filled with magic worthy of any fairy-tale and a mystery to keep you reading to know more. The good characters are both loveable and wonderfully well written, I could easily imagine reading this to my children when they were younger and them then booing at the baddies that are as much a part of a good story about magic as the heroes.

I loved this book so much and the sequel is sitting on my lap ready to go as I want to know what happens to Ivy Lovely and her friends and foes, now that school has come to an end of The Crowns of Croswald.

It's a magical tale in every sense and I truly believe that the series will be one to become beloved by many.

Thank you to Netgalley and Stories Untold for letting me read this in return of an honest review.