
reviewed Crave by Tracy Wolff (Crave, #1)

Tracy Wolff: Crave (Hardcover, 2020, Entangled: Teen) 3 stars

My whole world changed when I stepped inside the academy. Nothing is right about this …

Review of 'Crave' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

Thank you to NetGalley and Entangled Teen for the eARC of 'Crave' by Tracy Woolf.

Crave is everything one could possibly want in a vampire story. I have seen people compare it to Twilight but I found it to be far better than that series and the idea behind the story unique and one that draws you in from the moment you meet Grace.

Our heroine has been forced to leave San Diego with its sunshine and sand for the cold of Denali, Alaska in the wake of her parents' gruesome death to live with her Uncle Finn and his daughter.

Finding herself a new student of her uncle's elite private school, Katmere Academy, our girl knows something is off, but just what it is and why she is being stared at by pretty much everyone around her is unclear. The relationship between Grace and her cousin, Macy is one that I enjoyed greatly and the gentle acknowledgement that the two haven't seen one another in some time is evident (the choice of colouring of clothing and bedding is child-like etc) but is endearing and realistic.

Her meeting with Jaxon Vega is sudden and throws her off-kilter, he unsettles Grace and is unlike anyone she has ever known. Macy warns her not to get to know him: to stay far away from Jaxon but she can't stop thinking about him – excuse the pun but she craves his presence in her life. No matter what happens, he is something that she cannot be without.

Crave is a new vampire novel that will re-awaken your love of all things fanged and supernatural because vampires aren't the only thing that attend the gothic masterpiece that is Katmere Academy.

You're going to have to read it yourself to see just who or what is intrigued with our sunshine girl, Grace.