
Review of 'Sun Is Sky' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

Thank you to Netgalley for my eARC of the incredible 'Sun is Sky'.

I found the book to be one I was loathed to put down. I was held entranced by the story of Penny Hill and her Grandmother and their lives in Picayune, Mississippi.

The story is one that draws the reader in so they too are walking the hot roads of alongside the New York born Penny whose life is turned every which way once she's ensconced in her Grandmother's home. Mayberry writes in such a way that it is often hard to believe Sun is Sky is written by a man. His way of describing the often delicate and tumultuous relationship that exists between a mother and daughter is so perfectly done. So much so that there were moments in my time reading that had me at times choked with emotion due to recognising my own turmoil in what Penny experiences.

I can fully understand why this book has become a must-read, it was one I devoured in the space of a day and have a feeling will stay with me for sometime. Its story is timeless, scenes often feeling as though they were taken from the sixties or even earlier yet Sun is Sky is set within the last twenty years.

Add this to your to be read pile. I promise you that you will not be left wanting - unless it is for more about the wonderfully 'real' girl Penny Hill that Mayberry gave us a chance to meet.