
Review of 'Kingdom of the Wicked' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

Thank you to Netgalley for the eARC of this truly incredible book.

I'm still recovering a day later from this truly phenomenal dark fantasy. A perfect read I'm going to say to read with the nights drawing in.

I am new to Kerri Maniscalco's work but Kingdom of the Wicked has made me a firm fan and I will be playing catch up on all the no doubt incredible tales I have missed out on so far. (There goes my tbr pile to 450!) I feel that I have been missing out on some truly phenomenal tales if this story of witches, demons and other monsters who live in the shadows is anything to go by.

If as we are told in Kingdom of Wicked; there are seven Princes of Hell, then Maniscalco must be indeed the Queen.

This dark tale will have you on the edge of your seat and uundoubtedly like myself, reading 'just one more chapter' when you should have been asleep hours before! Maniscalco has created characters that are so well written that you cannot help but become immersed in their world.I love the attention to detail whether it be Emilia's wonderfully written Nonna telling her beloved granddaughters about why there is the need for the two of them to keep their heritage secret or the daily preparation for the entire family at their Sicilian restaurant. So well is it done that I found myself at times convinced I could smell the delicious sounding food prepared by our heroine.

The Princes are seductive as only the seven rulers of Hell can be, they're charming and they can entrance even the strongest witch even if they're natural enemies. The witches of Sicily are fierce and yet painfully fragile despite their heritage and strong belief that all will be well and their faith that the Gates are secure doesn't waver.

This book has everything you want, and no doubt moments you wish you didn't. Emilia's tale is one of fire and of folly and I can promise you that when you come to the last page? You will be left craving more be that magic or a moment in Hell.