
Review of 'Miracle on Ebenezer Street' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

Wow. I could not put this book down!

The Miracle on Ebenezer Street is a wonderful story filled with magic and the wonders of Christmas.

I enjoyed the usage of names made famous by Dickens' 1843 classic A Christmas Carol. We come across such places as Crachit close etcetera on our journey with George and his Scrooge of a father, Hugo thanks to a miracle made possible by unusual shop keeper, Marley.

Doyle's gentle way of handling the way Hugo handles the loss of his wife on Christmas Eve is a reminder that we are all human and react in different ways. Hugo cancels Christmas completely believing that it will help protect his son from further pain because that's how he himself can cope as an adult. Whereas George desperately needs colour and the seasonal magic Christmas brings with it to remember his Mum. I found myself as an adult understanding both sides and it is very well written so that a child too can understand the realities of life aren't always what we expect or hope them to be.

The time spent seeing Christmas pasts on the back of a purple reindeer with an elf as the leader were the only place I found myself wanting more. I was hoping for a bit more of the way Scrooge is forced to remember the joys of holidays past in Hugo's journey to seeing the world through George's eyes.

You cannot help but laugh at the chaos brought about by Randolph and Trixie as they show George and Hugo what life could be and I for one would love to meet a magical reindeer or two - wouldn't you?

This is a must for anyone who loves magic, who loves Christmas and is eager to snuggle down with a hot chocolate and a good adventure.

Add it to your list for Santa now.