
Review of 'Weather Weaver' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

My initial thought when I finished The Weather Weaver was that I now want my own cloud to give me cuddles and to teach to do such things as lightning in the house. Perhaps a bad example as I'm scared of lightning storms. However, the point still stands that due to Nimbus the cloud and Stella's friendship I now find myself wanting a cloud.

This book is wonderful, drawing on the myths and legends about the beautiful Shetland Isles and the wonders of Mother Nature's most unpredictable creation - weather.

Tamsin Mori has brought the Shetlands to life, with the mention of the seasonal occurance of the beaches being closed for the safety of the nesting birds, the colony of Puffins that inhabit the rocks surrounding the lighthouse and the relative isolation that exists for those who live there. All of which create a truly immersive world for the reader and I believe helps you feel as though you are there alongside Stella as she steps off the precarious gangplank and into an adventure she couldn't have ever imagined.

The Weather Weaver also deals with the sensitive subject of grief and how people react to, and handle the loss of a loved one in different ways. This is so well done that I found myself choked with emotion as I recognised my way of coping in the manner Stella's grandfather does - and although it confuses her, it shows that there is no right or wrong way of grieving. Something sadly, children at any age often have to face.

This book is everything and more than what I hoped for when it caught my eye. You can be lost to myths and legends of silkies, sea witches and more - and who doesn't love the opportunity to be lost to the 'what ifs' of the world. I truly hope that Tamsin Mori will be writing a sequel because I want to see more of Nimbus and his adorable reactions to making Stella happy. (See, this is why I want a cloud of my own)

Thank you to Netgalley for my eARC.