Eric Carter: Innate (Paperback, 2021, Indy Pub) 3 stars

Review of 'Innate' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

I wanted so much to love Innate because the concept for the story was definitely a new one but I have to be honest, of course, and say I only liked it. It was a three star book for me when I wanted to be raving about how incredible it was and giving it five..

In truth, I was left utterly lost by the story at times and felt like I had missed something that would have explained it more. So much so that I bookmarked where I was at one point and read back several times just incase the missing piece finally clicked into place and I could have a celebratory 'A-ha!' moment.

I haven't come across epilepsy in many stories which is quite sad considering an estimated 5 million people are diagnosed globally every year. You would think there would be more representation and that was what appealed to me with Innate when I first came across it, not only does the main character have it somewhat severely but Eric Carter manages to make it so that rather than being something to restrict Chance (the hero of the tale) that it is actually almost a super power and can save others. Whilst obviously this isn't the case, it would be empowering for those who are young and suffering with this horrendous condition to not necessarily see it that way.

The world building is confusing once you enter an almost dream space with Chance, and the story gets more confusing as it continues rather than ending which was frustrating and led to moments of 'Can I continue...' I was stubborn but left with a massive headache but maybe I just missed the answers to my questions? You may get it first time... so don't lose hope if the story intrigues you.