
Review of 'Summer Island' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

After discovering Christmas Island by Natalie Normann last December, I knew I would have to read Summer Island so I could return to the tranquility of the Norwegian islands again so I was utterly delighted that I had opportunity to review this lovely book.

Summer Island is written in such a manner that you cannot help but become immersed in the fictional world that truly feels real. You can practically taste the salt in the sea air, hear the sheep bleating on their inlet and oh my! the food descriptions, just like in my previous literary visit sound heavenly and I really do wish I could try Old Cheese! This is so different to the type of books I normally read, but I will happily read every single book Natalie Normann writes as she's gifted us a vivid world, with wonderful diverse characters who you just know you'd enjoy a beer with (if you remember to buy them before 8pm) and learn each quirky new thing the Islands have to give those who inhabit them. 

The love story of a Norwegian translation whose heart has been broken and trust destroyed and an English chef whose whole world has done a full 180° if not more is one that you cannot help but love seeing develop. They're broken, and beaten down - uncertain and unsure in a way that unlike a lot of stories with romance in them, feels believable. You're going to sigh softly (and deny it like I did), and you're going to get extremely frustrated with their exes who need to stay gone for good, Normann writes characters in such an excellent manner that your skin will crawl over one particular character's antics trust me.

From hurt dogs, potato planting, memories hidden in dusty books and revelations that will make you want to shake the two lovers into seeing what you see? Summer Island has it all and it's got the addition of being set somewhere that sounds so tranquil and isolated, that I'd click my fingers in a heartbeat to be there - just, can anyone ensure all my books get there and enough tea to sink a ship?