
Review of 'Fourth Kinetic' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

The Fourth Kinetic: Clairvoyants by Brady Moore is an incredible, action-packed YA sci-fi book that I
couldn’t put down.

Moore has created unique characters whose personalities and characteristics make them feel like
that they could literally step off the printed page and into our world, even if they would turn everything we know upside down!

The Fourth Kinetic: Clairvoyants is told from the viewpoint of Rion (pronounced Ryan) Grean, a
seventeen year old who has spent his life moving from town to town which leaves him isolated and wary of making friends who he would have to leave behind soon enough, something he doesn’t begrudge him Mom for causing because work is work. I thought it was interesting to see that whilst Rion and his Mom are close, they also are ships passing in the night and Rion often spends long
periods of his evenings alone after school which gives him the opportunity to work on his unusual
talent that’s come out of nowhere. Rion is able to move objects with his mind and he has no idea how he is able to do it, but is determined to be the best he can be.

As Rion’s Mom becomes busier with work and her signs of affection towards her teenage son changes, even down to not saying goodbye on her way to work and his trip to school, we witness the normally content Rion begin to wonder just why his Mom is so evasive about what she does because her staying late doesn’t make any sense to Rion.
Things escalate quickly in Rion’s world and I loved how Brady Moore tells his story, and that of the mysterious characters who possess their own special gifts – I don’t want to spoil their stories because Moore has created a background for them all that is so well done that I’d inadvertently confess all about them.

Each and every one fit smoothly into the tale, and are so well written like
Rion, that they feel real and like I said earlier, are ones that would step out the page and feel real albeit unusual to all who met them… or would they?
I cannot wait for more books in this series as I want to learn more about each and every character and the secrets they must have.